Author/Editor | Plazar, Nadja | |
Title | Organizacija izvajanja visokošolskega študijskega programa zdravstvena nega | |
Translated title | Organization of the implementation of higher education programme Health care | |
Type | članek | |
Source | In: Ustvarjalna organizacija. Zbornik 26. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2007 mar 28-30; Portorož Kranj | |
Publication year | 2007 | |
Volume | str. 1487-1490 | |
Language | slv, eng | |
Abstract | Visoka šola za zdravstvo Izola, Univerze na Primorskem izvaja visokošolski študijski program Zdravstvena nega. Program obsega 4 600 kontaktih ur, od tega2 300 ur klinicnih vaj v ucnih bazah. Ker potekajo ure le v manjših skupinah je treba organizirati izobraževanje in usposabljanje v številnih ucnih bazah. Prispevek navaja najpomembnejše tocke pri izobraževanju strokovnjakov iz prakse, ki so obenem tudi mentorji študentom zdravstvene nege. Ker so interesi organizacij, v katerih so vzpostavljene ucne baze, podobni tistim nekoliko drugacni kot so interesi izobraževalne organizacije, je treba vzpostaviti natancne in pozitivne odnose ter morebitne konflikte sproti reševati.The University of Primorska College of Health Care Izola carries out the higher education study programme of Nursing care. Out of 4600 contact hours dedicated to the study programme, there are 2300 comprising the clinical training in numerous educational bases (due to its execution in small groups of students). The contribution presents the most important facts concerning the education of professionals from practice - mentors of students of nursing care. Slightly different interests of organizations where the educational bases have been established from interests of our college demand precise and positive relationships as well as current solving of eventual conflicts. | |
Keywords | zdravstvena nega odnosi izobraževanje health care relationships education |