Author/Editor     Jevnikar, N; Pokorn, D; Vrbič, V
Title     Določanje kariogenega potenciala živil z metodo jemanja vzorcev zobnega plaka
Translated title     The cariogenic potential of foods evaluated in samples of dental plaque
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 3-5
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 105-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The cariogenicity of foods is just one of a number of factors which determine whether clinical caries develops or not. Changes in human dental plaque pH can be used to obtain estimates of the acidity of ingested foods. The aim of our study was to determine differences in the cariogenic potential between sucrose and two kinds of bread, using the sampling method. The results showed significant differences in pH when sucrose and bread were compared, but there was no difference between white and whole wheat bread. The lower cariogenic potential of bread can be ascribed to the polymeric structure of starch, which delays the attack of oral bacteria, so that pH cannot fall below the critical level.
Descriptors     DENTAL PLAQUE