Author/Editor     Petelin, M; Pavlica, Z; Ivanuša, T; Toplak, M; Skalerič, U
Title     Stanje obzobnih tkiv med razvojem eksperimentalnega parodontitisa pri psu
Translated title     Periodontal status during the development of experimental periodontitis in dogs
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 3-5
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 149-51
Language     slo
Abstract     In 20 beagle dogs, elastic ligatures were placed around the necks of selected maxillary and mandibular teeth (P2, P3, P4, M1) in both sides of the jaws to enhance the formation of plaque. Teeth without ligatures in both jaws served as a control group. Probing depth, attachment loss gingival inflammation, plaque formation and bleeding on probing were recorded before and 3 and 6 months after ligature placement. The animals were fed a soft, plaque promoting diet during the experiment. The results obtained at 3 nad 6 months reveal a progessive increase in the values of all measured parameters for the tested teeth, as compared to baseline values and values recorded in the control group of teeth.
Descriptors     PERIODONTITIS