Avtor/Urednik     Poženel, Primož; Zver, Samo; Nikolić, Božidar; Rožman, Primož
Naslov     Klinično vodenje transfuzije - sodobni pristopi za optimizacijo transfuzije
Prevedeni naslov     Patient Blood Management - modern approaches for optimization of blood transfusion
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 84, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 743-756
ISSN     1581-0224 - Zdravniški vestnik
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     As a precious biological substance, donated blood has to be used in a sustainable, safe and efficient manner. Therefore good transfusion practice in modern surgery, anaesthesiology and intensive care is of key importance. New therapeutic methods, operations, transplantation of organs and hematopoietic stem cells often require intensive and long term supportive therapy including transfusions of blood components. Nowadays, transfusion service is confronted with continuously increasing demand for sufficient quantity of safe high quality blood, and on the other hand with limited resources of blood. The article deals with the current modern approaches for optimization of transfusion practice and Patient Blood Management that have to be implemented in Slovenian hospitals.
Proste vsebinske oznake     restriktivna uporaba krvi
izboljšani transfuzijski postopki
umetni nadomestki krvi
restrictive blood use
improved transfusion procedures
artificial blood replacements