Avtor/Urednik     Meh, Alja; Sprogar, Špela; Drevenšek, Gorazd; Hudoklin, Samo; Zupan, Janja; Marc, Janja; Drevenšek, Martina
Naslov     Bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement in rats with type 2 diabetes
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 148, št. 6
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 1017-1025
ISSN     0889-5406 - American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is known to affect bone metabolism. In this study, we aimed to determine the effects of type 2 diabetes on bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: The 48 rats were divided into 4 groups: Wistar control group (n = 8), Goto-Kakizaki (GK) control group (n = 8), Wistar appliance group (n = 16), and GK appliance group (n = 16). The distances between the teeth were measured weekly. On day 42, maxillary alveolar bone specimens were obtained for histologic evaluation and determination of the gene expression levels of the receptor activator of nuclear factor [kappa] B (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG). Results: No signi fi cant difference was observed in the levels of tooth movement between the 2 appliance groups. After orthodontic force application, the alveolar bone volume and osteoblast surface in the GK rats were diminished compared with those in the Wistar rats. The increase in the osteoclast surface relative to the control groups was 2.4-fold greater in the GK rats than in the Wistar rats. Significant upregulations of the RANK and OPG gene expression levels in the Wistar appliance group were observed. The RANKL/OPG ratio was increased in the GK appliance group compared with the Wistar appliance group. Conclusions: Diminished bone formation and slightly increased bone resorption were observed during orthodontic tooth movement in the rats with type 2 diabetes.
Proste vsebinske oznake     orthodontic tooth movement
diabetes type 2
ortodontsko premikanje zob
diabetes tip 2