Avtor/Urednik     Welzer-Družovec, Tatjana; Rozman, Ivan; Družovec, Marjan; Vajde Horvat, Romana; Takač, Iztok; Brumen, Boštjan
Naslov     Database reusability in intelligent medical systems
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 25, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 83-93
ISSN     0148-5598 - Journal of medical systems
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Reuse or reusability is not a specific, algorithmic, heuristic or only a simple set of guidelines. Database reuse means the use of an existing component - a database entity - in a new context, either elsewhere in the same system or in another system. According to different definitions, an intelligent system is a power tool for thinking; but on the other side it is only a kind of information system with built-in knowledge to support decisions made by human experts. Similar conclusions could be made for intelligent medical systems and introduce the database reusability in this environment with a purpose to increase the quality of an intelligent medical system. In the paper the problem of the database reusability will be presented more in detail, espacially, its integration in an intelligent medical system. Finally, the results of such integration and the benefits for the medicine will be discused.
Proste vsebinske oznake     baze podatkov
ponovna uporaba
inteligentni sistemi
informatika v medicini
intelligent system
medical informatics