Author/Editor     Zelko, Erika; Klemenc-Ketiš, Zalika; Tušek-Bunc, Ksenija
Title     Medication adherence in elderly with polypharmacy living at home
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 2
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 129-132
ISSN     1986-597X - Materia socio-medica
Language     eng
Abstract     Background: We wanted to systematically review the available evidence to evaluate the drug adherence in elderly with polypharmacy living at home. Methods: We performed a literature search using MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, ProQuest, EMBASE, SCOPUS, Springer Link, Sage Journals and CINAHL. We used the following terms: Medication Adherence, Medication Compliance, Polypharmacy, and Elderly. The search was limited to English-language articles. We included only clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and cross-sectional studies. Results: A total of seven articles were included in this systematic review after applying the search strategy. Six studies dealt with the prevalence of medication adherence and its correlates in patients aged 65 years or more with polypharmacy. Two studies dealt with the effect of various interventions on medication adherence in patients aged 65 years or more with polypharmacy. Conclusion: The available literature on the polypharmacy and drug adherence in elderly living at home is scarce and further studies are needed.
Keywords     polifarmacija
sistematični pregled
systematic review