Avtor/Urednik     Konečnik, Petra; Krašna, Metka; Rožman, Primož; Vrtovec, Bojan; Maličev, Elvira
Naslov     Collection and immunoselection of CD34+ cells
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2016
ISSN     0041-1132 - Transfusion
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background: Mobilized peripheral blood is the most common source of CD34+ cells intended for transplantations. The collection and enrichment of CD34+ cells could be affected by various factors and there are some controversies regarding the effects of patient-related factors. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of age, sex, and diabetes on the CD34+ cell grafts in patients with chronic heart failure. Study design and methods: Cell grafts from 100 adult patients scheduled for autologous CD34+ cell transplantation were investigated. The CD34+ cells were collected using leukapheresis after granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor mobilization and further enriched using the immunomagnetic CD34+ selection. The number of CD34+ cells and their viability were determined by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Older patients had significantly lower CD34+ cell counts than younger patients. The differences between men and women were not found. There was a trend toward an inverse relationship between diabetes and the CD34+ cell count, however, without any significance. No differences in the CD34+ cell viability (97.6% before and 97.9% after selection) were found. The mean CD34+ cell recovery was 59.7% and was not statistically different between age groups, sex, and diabetic patients. Conclusion: Before the CD34+ cells are collected the patient's age should be considered. The study did not demonstrate a significant impact of sex and diabetes on the CD34+ cell count. While age and sex did not affect the immunoselection process, diabetes slightly reduced cell recovery. Cell viabilities before and after the cell enrichment were comparable between the tested samples.
Proste vsebinske oznake     CD34+ cells
collection and enrichment
impact of age, sex, and diabetes
patients with chronic heart failure
CD34+ celice
zbiranje in obogatitev
vpliv starosti, spola, in sladkorne bolezni
bolniki s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem