Author/Editor     Kociper, Tanja; Križmarić, Miljenko
Title     Deep breathing test and respiratory sinus arrhythmia for evaluation of autonomic nervous system
Translated title     Ocena avtonomnega živčevja s testom globokega dihanja in respiratorne sinusne aritmije
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 250-252
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod Variabilnost frekvence srca (HRV) je posledica delovanja parasimpatičnega in simpatičnega živčevja. Test z globokim dihanjem (DBT) uporabimo za merjenje kardiovagalne oziroma parasimpatične funkcije srca. Metode V kvantitativni študiji so zdravi preiskovanci globoko dihali s frekvenco 6 vdihov min-1 (5 s je trajal tako vdih kot izdih). Za kontrolo dihanja smo uporabili računalniški metronom. Ocena avtonomnega živčevja je temeljila na analizi HRV v časovni domeni in frekvenčni domeni. Izračunali smo enkratni iztis srca (SV), minutni iztis srca (CO), razmerje med najdaljšim in najkrajšim RR intervalom (E:I razmerje) med šestimi cikli. Rezultati Pri zdravih preiskovancih se je SV zmanjšal med vdihom in povečal med izdihom. Ko primerjamo SV med normalnim dihanjem (SV=69%2 mL), ugotovimo statistično višje vrednosti SV med testom globokega dihanja (SV=78%5 mL) (p<0.001). Diskusija in zaključek Zaključimo da DBT vodi k povečanju SV. Frekvence ritmov dihanja se prenašajo na spremembe parametrov hemodinamike.Introduction Heart rate variability (HRV) is a reflection of the interaction between parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nervous system. The deep breathing test (DBT) is a measure of cardiovagal or parasympathetic cardiac function. Methods In quantitative study, the healthy subjects are asked to breathe at rate 6 breaths min-1 (with 5 s of inhalation and 5 s of exhalation per breath). For breathing control we used an electronic metronome. The evaluation of autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity was based on the time and frequency domain of HRV at rest and during DBT. We calculated stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), the ratio of the longest R-R interval during expiration and the shortest R-R interval during inspiration from 6 cycles (E:I ratio). Results In healthy subjects, SV decreased during inspiration and increased during expiration. When compared with the SV during normal breathing (SV=69%2 mL), mean SV change during deep breathing was higher (SV=78%5 mL) (p<0.001). Discussion and conclusion We conclude that DBT lead to an increased SV. Respiratory-frequency rhythms are translated into changes of haemodynamic parameters.
Keywords     testi avtonomnega živčevja
testi globokega dihanja
respiratorna sinusna aritmija
autonomic nervous system tersting
deep breathingv test
respiratory sinus arrhythmia