Author/Editor     Lukač, M; Grad, L; Možina, M; Šušterčič, D; Funduk, N; Skalerič, N
Title     Optoacoustic effects during Er:YAG laser ablation in hard dental tissue
Type     članek
Source     In: Katzir A, editor. Progress in biomedical optics: proceedings of medical applications of lasers II : 6-10 September 1994, Lille, France. Bellingham: SPIE,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 93-100
Language     eng
Abstract     Optoacoustic method is a very useful tool for studying laser induced processes in hard dental tissuses. In principle, the method can also be used for on-line monitoring of laser drilling. Our study, however, shows that at high laser energies the optoacoustic energy is not proportional to the volume of the ablated hard dental tissue. In addition, the optoacoustic signal depends critically on the presence of water on the tooth surface. These observations must be taken into account when attempting to use the optoacoustic method for on-line monitoring of laser drilling process.
Descriptors     TOOTH ABRASION