Author/Editor     Repnik, Katja; Koder, Silvo; Skok, Pavel; Ferkolj, Ivan; Potočnik, Uroš
Title     Transferrin level before treatment and genetic polymorphism in HFE gene as predictive markers for response to adalimumab in Crohn's disease patients
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 54, št. 4
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 476-486
ISSN     1573-4927 - Biochemical genetics
Language     eng
Abstract     Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors (anti-TNF) have improved treatment of several complex diseases, including Crohn's disease (CD). However, the effect varies and approximately one-third of the patients do not respond. Since blood parameters as well as genetic factors have shown a great potential to predict response during treatment, the aim of the study was to evaluate response to antiTNF treatment with adalimumab (ADA) between genes HFE and TF and haematological parameters in Slovenian refractory CD patients. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1799852 in gene TF and rs2071303 in gene HFE were genotyped in 68 refractory CD patients for which response has been measured using inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire (IBDQ) index. Haematological parameters and IBDQ index were determined before therapy and after 4, 12, 20 and 30 weeks. We found novel strong association between SNP rs2071303 in gene HFE and response to ADA treatment, particularly patients with G allele comparing to A allele had better response after 20 weeks (p = 0.008). Further, we found strong association between transferrin level at baseline and treatment response after 12, 20 and 30 weeks, where average transferrin level before therapy was lower in responders (2.38 g/L) compared to non-responders (2.89 g/L, p = 0.005). Association was found between transferrin level in week 30 and SNP rs1799852 (p = 0.023), and between MCHC level before treatment and SNP rs2071303 (p = 0.007). Our results suggest that SNP in gene HFE as well as haematological markers serve as promising prognostic markers of response to anti-TNF treatment in CD patients.
Keywords     Crohnova bolezen
tumor nekrotizirajoči faktor
genetski polimorfizem
zdravljenje z zdravili
odzivnost na zdravljenje