Avtor/Urednik     Marčun-Varda, Nataša
Naslov     Hypertension in adolescent
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 8, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 1065-1074
ISSN     0017-8837 - Health
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Hypertension in adolescents is, as in other patients, one of the important cardiovascular risk factors, associated with hypertension in adults and with appearance of cardiovascular complications later in life. In recent years it is in increase, in parallel with occurrence of overweight in this age group. There is mostly essential or obesity-related hypertension. It is often asymptomatic, therefore it holds true also for adolescents, that it has to be actively searched, especially in risk groups such as overweight adolescents, adolescents with positive family history or some of the other classical cardiovascular risk factors. If we have normal-weight adolescent with important hypertension or symptomatic adolescent without positive family history, the possibility of secondary hypertension has to be thinking of and extended, on possible cause focused and stepwise diagnostics performed. In this case, the treatment is etiological. Otherwise, the first-line treatment in adolescents comprises nonpharmacological treatment measures. Sometimes, because of poor nonpharmacological treatment compliance and presence of hypertensive-target organ damage, antihypertensive medications have to be introduced. However, preventive actions represent the most important task, in the form of primary and primordial prevention. In this article, diagnostic approach, prevention and treatment strategies in adolescents are shortly presented.
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