Avtor/Urednik     Goriup, Jana; Stričević, Jadranka; Sruk, Vida
Naslov     Goodwill is the best...indeed? (Some sociological and ergonomic impact of humour on employed in nursing)
Prevedeni naslov     Dobra volja je najbolja...ali pač? (Nekateri sociološki in ergonomski vidiki vplivov humorja na zaposlene v zdravstveni negi)
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 54-62
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Humor je sestavni del vsakdanjega življenja in zato tudi sestavni del zdravstvene nege in zdravljenja bolnikov v sodobno zdravstveni negi. Prispevek se osredotoča na vlogo humorja v praksi zdravstvene nege. Humor povzroča smeh, nas s smehom napaja, pomaga nam (p)ostati dobre volje, biti vesel. Z medicinskega vidika je humor vse, kar vzbuja smeh. Seveda humorja ni, če nimamo smisla zanj. Smisel za humor v zdravstveni negi ima konformistični, kvantitativni in produktivni pomen, ki se manifestira skozi bistvene elemente humorja: metasporočilno, občutljivost, osebno naklonjenost humorju in emocionalno dopustnost. Humor zaposlenim v zdravstveni negi lahko pomaga skozi določene težave, s kateri se soočajo na delovnem mestu, saj se s humorjem socializirajo in z njim rešujejo tudi socialni cilji. Pri tem izstopajo psihološko-sociološke funkcije humorja kot kognitivne in družbene koristi pozitivnega čustva veselja, uporaba humorja za družbeno komunikacijo in njih vplivanje na sproščanje napetosti in obvladovanje, ki ga črpa iz ergonomije humorja kot socialne interakcije. Pridobljeni podatki so bili analizirani z metodo kvalitativne analize. Glede na naše ugotovitve, lahko humor opišemo kot %joie de vivre%, ki se kaže v človeški interakciji v obliki šaljivosti, zabave in smeha. Humor je pomemben faktor, tako za bolnikovo dobro počutje in za obvladovanje bolezni, kot tudi za interakcijo med medicinsko sestro in bolnikom. Humor omogoča tudi več poklicnega zadovoljstva in boljšo motivacijo. Izkazala se je potreba po nadaljevanju raziskave, da bi na osnovi rezultatov bilo moč okrepiti vlogo in uporabo humorja v vsakdanjem življenju in še posebej v zdravstveni negi.Humour is an integral part of everyday life and therefore also a component of the care and treatment of patients in the modern health care system. This paper looks at the role of humour in practical nursing. The Humor is causing laughter, laughter fills us, helps us (to) stay in a good mood, be happy. From a medical perspective, humor is anything that evokes laughter. Of course, if we don't have a sense of humor, humor is absent. A sense of humor in nursing has a conformistic, a quantitative and productive importance manifesting through the essential elements of humor: metacommunication sensitivity, personal affection for humor and emotional admissibility. The humor, employed in nursing, can help through certain difficulties which they face at the workplace, as it is with humor they also solve social objectives and get socialized. This psychologicalsociological features of humor stand out as a cognitive and social benefits of positive emotions of joy, the use of humor for social communication and their influence on the release of stress and coping, which draws from the ergonomics of humour as social interaction. The data obtained were analysed using the qualitative method of content analysis. In the light of our findings here, humour can be described as a joie de vivre, which is manifested in human interaction in the form of fun, jocularity and laughter. Humour is a meaningful factor, both with regard to the patient's well-being and to coping, and also with regard to the interaction of nurse and patient. Humour also allows for more job satisfaction and better motivation. Research should be continued and intensified into the role and use of humour in everyday life and particularly in nursing care.
Proste vsebinske oznake     humor
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