Author/Editor     Merhar, Anita; Jesenko, Ana; Cizej, Klementina; Meglič, Petra; Šuc, Lea; Groleger Sršen, Katja
Title     Lestvica doseganja ciljev za vrednotenje napredka v obravnavi otrok s posebnimi potrebami
Translated title     Goal attainment scaling for evaluation of progress in the treatment of children with special needs
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 15, št. 2
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 36-42
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Za ocenjevanje napredka bolnika in uspešnosti postopkov v programu delovne terapije je na voljo vrsta ocenjevalnih instrumentov: instrumenti za ocenjevanje funkcioniranja in izvedbo aktivnosti, za oceno sodelovanja v dejavnostih in opredelitev dejavnikov okolja, kar je skladno s celotnim pogledom na uporabnika (bolnika), katerega osnovo predstavlja Mednarodna klasifikacija funkcioniranja, zmanjšane zmožnosti in zdravja. V literaturi je malo podatkov o občutljivosti teh instrumentov pri ocenjevanju otrok z zmanjšanimi zmožnostmi funkcioniranja. V raziskavi smo želeli preveriti uporabnost in morebitno povezanost rezultatov ocenjevanja z dvema ocenjevalnima instrumentoma - Lestvice doseganja ciljev (angl. Goal attainment scaling - GAS) in Vprašalnika za oceno otrokovih sposobnosti (angl. Pediatric evaluation of disability inventory, PEDI), namenjenih vrednotenju napredka pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami. Želeli smo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri GAS, po vključitvi otroka v terapevtski program, zazna manjša izboljšanja v funkcioniranju. Domnevali smo, da bodo ocene z GAS pokazale napredek v večji meri kot rezultati ocenjevanja s PEDI. Predvideli smo tudi, da bo pri strnjenih in časovno krajših terapevtskih obdobjih ocenjevanje z GAS pokazalo tudi manjši napredek, da starost ne bo vplivala na napredek, bo pa ta slabši pri otrocih s hujšo motnjo ali višjo stopnjo okvare.Background: Occupational therapists have a range of evaluation instruments at their disposal, which they use to evaluate the recovery progress of a patient and thus the effectiveness of the occupational therapy intervention. Often, however, these evaluation instruments are not sensitive enough to detect small changes in children with functional disabilities. In this study we wanted to check the complementarity and coherence of two evaluation instruments aimed at evaluating the progress of children with special needs, the Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) and the Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), both aimed at evaluating the progress of children with special needs. We tried to establish whether or not GAS can detect small improvements in the performance of the child % improvements that other instruments cannot detect. We hypothesised the following outcomes: that GAS will detect progress to a greater extent than PEDI; that GAS will also detect lesser progress in compacter and shorter therapeutic periods of time; that age will not affect progression. The progress, however, will be lesser in children with a severe disability or a higher degree of disability (i.e. with Cerebral Paralysis).
Descriptors     Disabled Children
Ocupational Therapy
Disability Evaluation
Keywords     goal attainment scaling
occupational therapy
children with disabilities
lestvica doseganja ciljev
delovna terapija