Avtor/Urednik     Kos, Špela; Blagus, Tanja; Čemažar, Maja; Lampreht Tratar, Urša; Štimac, Monika; Prosen, Lara; Dolinšek, Tanja; Kamenšek, Urška; Kranjc, Simona; Steinstraesser, Lars; Vandermeulen, Gaëlle; Préat, Véronique; Serša, Gregor
Naslov     Electrotransfer parameters as a tool for controlled and targeted gene expression in skin
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. 8
Leto izdaje     2016
ISSN     2162-2531 - Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Skin is an attractive target for gene electrotransfer. It consists of different cell types that can be transfected, leading to various responses to gene electrotransfer. We demonstrate that these responses could be controlled by selecting the appropriate electrotransfer parameters. Specifically, the application of low or high electric pulses, applied by multi-electrode array, provided the possibility to control the depth of the transfection in the skin, the duration and the level of gene expression, as well as the local or systemic distribution of the transgene. The influence of electric pulse type was first studied using a plasmid encoding a reporter gene (DsRed). Then, plasmids encoding therapeutic genes (IL-12, shRNA against endoglin, shRNA against melanoma cell adhesion molecule) were used, and their effects on wound healing and cutaneous B16F10 melanoma tumors were investigated. The high-voltage pulses resulted in gene expression that was restricted to superficial skin layers and induced a local response. In contrast, the low-voltage electric pulses promoted transfection into the deeper skin layers, resulting in prolonged gene expression and higher transgene production, possibly with systemic distribution. Therefore, in the translation into the clinics, it will be of the utmost importance to adjust the electrotransfer parameters for different therapeutic approaches and specific mode of action of the therapeutic gene.
Proste vsebinske oznake     prenos genov
genski elektroprenos
gene electrotransfer