Avtor/Urednik     Hristovski, Dimitar; Kastrin, Andrej; Rindflesch, Thomas C.
Naslov     Implementing semantics-based cross-domain collaboration recommendation in biomedicine with a graph database
Tip     članek
Vir     In: AMIA 2016 Annual Symposium, November 12 - 16, 2016, Chicago,IL [S. n.] : AMIA
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 1433
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     We describe a novel approach for cross-domain recommendation for research collaboration. We first constructed a large Neo4j graph database representing authors, their expertise, current collaborations, and general biomedical knowledge. This information comes from MEDLINE and from semantic relations extracted with SemRep. Then, by using an extended literature-based discovery paradigm, implemented with the Cypher graph query language, we recommend novel collaborations, which include author pairs, along with novel topics for collaboration and motivation for that collaboration.
Proste vsebinske oznake     znanost o podatkih
kompleksna omrežja
analiza omrežij
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procesiranje naravnega jezika