Author/Editor     Borisov, P
Title     Ginekologija na Slovenskem od nastanka do 80. let 20. stoletja
Translated title     Gynecology in Slovenia from its beginnings to 1980
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 425
Language     slo
Abstract     The essay Gynecology in Slovenia from Its Beginnings to 1980 deals with the development of a branch of medicine treating sick and healthy women. Gynecology is the science of women's normal or pathologically changed functioning and is, besides surgery, among the oldest branches of medicine, also in Slovenia. Part of gynecology, which is a broader term, is obstetrics. In its origin, it is much older than gynecology in its narrower, present-day sense. As an independent field, it has developed its own surgical techniques. In 1898 the Viennese gynecologist Friedrich Schauta suggested that gynecology be defined as an integral science comprising both obstetrics and gynecology in the narrow sense; the suggestion was adopted into gynecological nomenclature. Unlike other branches of medicine, gynecology was, also on the territory of presentday Slovenia, initially in the exclusive domain of women, who practiced it either professionally, receiving fees, or occasionaly. Until the second half of the 18th century, obstetrics was in the hands of more or less skilled, but untrained women, who learnt their by experience. In the popular view they ranked with healrs, who were also long regarded as handicrafsmen, and as such not equal to proper tradesmen. The problems ensuing from this situation are discussed in detail. Similarly as in a previous essay on the history of medicine, From healing to the beginnings of scientific surgery in Slovenia (Ljubljana 1977), in which we attempted to substantiate a distinction between two professionally absolutely different concepts: the healer vs. the surgeon, we again draw a distinction between two apparently identical medical ranks, that of the labour assistant and that of the midwife. We argue that a midwife is an eo ipso labour assistant (with formal qualifications), while a labour assistant can be any person assisting during labour, without any adequate formal training.(trunc.)
Descriptors     GYNECOLOGY