Author/Editor     Kobal, M
Title     Metarepresentations (representations of second order) as the essential part of mentality in the holistic approach to health and illness
Type     članek
Source     Dynam Psychiatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 1-2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 8-18
Language     eng
Abstract     The merits of the Russian physiologists (Bekhterev, Pavlov) are in discovering and experimental reiteration of certain brain reflexes with psychic relevance, Instead of equating "reflexes" in the complex of higher nervous activity with the mentality as whole, the author postulates the repetitive reflexoin: by the repetition of un- and conditional reflexes in appropriate brain structures a new cognitive (and emotional) activity is formed. As a synonym the authors uses the term second order representation (SOR). To the author, the metarepresentaions signify the final and for the time being the missing link of the holistic brain activity. That is to be extended from unconsciousness beyond basic cognitive engrames as representations of the first order and superimposed by special mental mechanism (Frith), by which the metarepresentaions are formed. The author uses schizoprenia as model to demonstrate the value of his ideas. He finally states that the concept of metapresentations will be helpful in conquering the boundaries between physiology and psychoanalysis.
Descriptors     HOLISTIC HEALTH