Author/Editor     Drinovec, Jože; Stražiščar, Katja
Title     Farmakoterapija v adolescenci
Translated title     Pharmacotherapy in adolescence
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1-3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 110-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Adolescents use prescription drugs as well as non-prescription drugs and other non-therapeutic abusive agents like tobacco, alchohol and drugs. The secretion of sex hormones from the age of puberty onwards leads to changes in the tissue composition and therefore the volume of distribution, and significant differences between male and female adolescents in drug kinetics. There is no specific difference between adolescents and adults in drug dosages, except in the specific dosage regimens which depend on body weight and surface. Any drug treatment which may influence the appearance, mental state or sexual functions, significantly affects an ill adolescent. Patient compliance in adolescence is not as good as in adults and in younger children. This does not seem to depend on the economic position of the family and information on the illness, but much more on the motivation of the individual adolescent and on the simplicity of the treatment plan.
Descriptors     DRUG THERAPY