Author/Editor     Smrkolj, A; Popovič, R; Lunder, T
Title     Keratosis lichenoides chronica
Type     članek
Source     Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannon Adriat
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 67-72
Language     eng
Abstract     Keratosis lichenoides chronica is a chronic dermatosis, generally of benign nature, yet refractory to treatment. Our 54-year-old man patient, who is the 40th case reported in the literature, presented with a 15-year history of skin lesions, which were clinically, histopathologically, immunohistologically and electron microscopically compatible with keratosis lichenoides chronica. As a child he was taking antimalarial drugs and later on he was treated with antituberculous drugs. For the past 18 years he has presented with signs of periodic allergic rhinitis. The Re-PUVA therapy produced some improvement in some areas, keratotic papules with keratotic plugs had disappeared and the papules flattened. The results were superior to those obtained by local selective phototherapy or by systemic treatment with etretinate (Tigason). The patient was therapeutically unresponsive to topical application of steroids, 0.5 pct. tretinoin and tar preparations. Systematically administered therapy had only a temporary effect on the dermal lymphocytic and histiocytic infiltrate. Considering the pathogenesis of keratosis lichenoides chronica and the composition of the dermal infiltrate, we think it reasonable to try cyclosporin A but our patient refused it.
Descriptors     KERATOSIS