Author/Editor     Krstič, N; Bilban, M; Česen, M
Title     Nekateri gospodarski aspekti pri proizvodnji in ceni tobačnih izdelkov v Republiki Sloveniji v obdobju januar 1991 - julij 1994
Translated title     Some economic aspects in production of tobacco products and the prices thereof in the Republic of Slovenia in the period from january 1991 to july 1994
Type     članek
Source     Delo Varn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 70-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Authors contribute an overview of the main economic parameters concerning the tobacco in the Republic of Slovenia within the period January 1991-July 1994. It was supposed to be a part of the project "The active synthetic model of socio-economic instrumentation on tobacco products in the Republic of Slovenia", and in direct relation to the strategy "Health care for all until the year 2000". The main author's conclusion highlights the need for an immediate support regarding the financial resource from the budget. There are a lot of industrialized states worldwide that have implemented such an active synthetic model for decade or more.
Descriptors     TOBACCO