Author/Editor     Pickwell, Kristy M.; Siersma, V.; Kars, Marleen; Apelquist, J.; Bakker, Karel; Edmonds, M.; Holstein, Per E.; Jirkovská, Alexandra; Jude, E.; Mauricio, Didac; Urbančič-Rovan, Vilma
Title     Minor amputation does not negatively affect health-related quality of life as compared with conservative treatment in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 3
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 1-6
ISSN     1520-7552 - Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews
Language     eng
Keywords     diabetic foot ulcer
Euroqol 5D
health-related quality of life
minor amputation