Author/Editor     Marin, J; Keše, D
Title     Dokazovanje okužb, ki jih povzroča virus Epstein-Barr; encimsko imunski test namesto posredne imunofluorescence
Translated title     Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infections, enzyme-immuno assay instead of indirect immunofluorescence
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. III-13-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The diagnosis of infections caused by virus Epstein-Barr bas based on the indirect immunofluorescence test for almost three decades. According to the protein complexity of the virus it was quite cumbersome to prepare enzyme-immuno test for diagnostic purposes and to offer more than the established immunofluorescence test. Only the use of recombinant antigens p54,p138 and p72 has enabled to develope new ELISA tests which help to efficiently diagnose the course of Epstein-Barr virus infection. Methods. Indirect immunofluorescence test and three ELISA tests were used to detect specific antibodies in 212 sera of suspected cases for Epstein-Barr virus infection. These sera were collected during four subsequent weeks in regular diagnostic activity. Results. The two methods correlated in 80.8 percent. Uncorrelated results were found mainly in sera of patients without typical symptoms of the disease. Conclusions. The detection of antibodies to recombinant viral antigens represents an excellent method for estimation of the stage of infection as well as to diagnose the virus reactivation and chronic infection.
Summary     Izhodišče. Določanje okužb, ki jih povzroča virus Epstein-Barr, je skoraj tri desetletja slonelo na metodi posredne imunofluorescence. Zaradi zapletene sestave virusnih beljakovin so za diagnostiko šele pred nekaj leti uspeli pripraviti encimsko imunske teste. Ti testi pa niso ponujali več kot že uveljavljena posredna imunofluorescenca. Šele z uporabo rekombinantnih antigenov p54, p138 in p72 so encimsko imunski testi postali natančna diagnostična metoda za učinkovito ugotavljanje okužb z virusom Espein-Barr. Metode. S posredno imunofluorescenco in s tremi encimsko imunskimi testi z rekombinantnimi antigeni smo določali specifična protitelesa v 212 serumih bolnikov s sumom na okužbo z virusom Esptein-Barr. Te serume smo zbrali v štirih zaporednih tednih v okviru redne strokovne dejavnosti. Rezultati. Rezultati obeh metod so se ujemali v 80,8 odstotkih. Odstopanja so bila večinoma pri pregledu serumov bolnikov z nejasnimi kliničnimi slikami. Zaključki. Z encimsko imunskim testom, s katerim določamo protitelesa proti rekombinantnim antigenom, z večjo verjetnostjo ocenimo stopnjo okužbe, določimo pa lahko tudi reaktivacijo virusa in kronično okužbo.
Descriptors     HERPESVIRUS 4, HUMAN