Avtor/Urednik     De Smedt, Delphine; Clays, Els; Prugger, Christoff; De Sutter, Johan De; Fras, Zlatko; De Backer, Guy; Lovic, Dragan; Baert, Anneleen; Kotseva, Kornelia; De Bacquer, Dirk
Naslov     Physical activity status in patients with coronary heart disease
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 13, št. 12
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 1378-1384
ISSN     1543-5474 - Journal of physical activity & health
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background: The study aim was to assess the physical activity levels as well as the intention to become physically active in patients with stable coronary heart disease (CHD) with a special focus on the association with their risk profile. Methods: Analyses are based on the cross-sectional EUROASPIRE IV surveys. Information was available on 8966 patients in EUROASPIRE III and on 7998 patients in EUROASPIRE IV. Physical activity level according to patients risk profile and their medical management was assessed, the intention to become physically active was investigated and a time trend analysis was performed. Results: A better cardiovascular risk profile as well as receiving physical activity advice or weight loss advice was associated with better physical activity levels. The physical activity status improved significantly over time, the proportion of patients reporting vigorous physical activity for at least 20 minutes % 3 times/week increased from 14.1% to 20.2% (P < .001). Similarly, a significantly greater proportion of patients are in the maintenance stage (36.6% vs. 27.4%) and a smaller proportion in the precontemplation stage (43.2% vs. 52.3%). Conclusion: Although an increase was seen in the proportion of patients being adequately physical active, physical activity levels remain suboptimal in many CHD patients.
Proste vsebinske oznake     coronary risk
cardiac rehabilitation
preventive cardiology
koronarno tveganje
rehabilitacija srca
preventivna kardiologija