Author/Editor     Jolić, V
Title     Real-time transabdominalna ultrasonografija - novi postupak mjerenja kuta kontinentnosti u dokazivanju stresne urinarne inkontinence
Translated title     Real-time transabdominal ultrasonography - a new method to study the angle of continence in the evaluation stress urinary incontinence
Type     članek
Source     Gynaecol Perinatol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 1
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 1-4
Language     cro
Abstract     The aim of the study was to find out a cut-off angle which accurately separates women suffering from stress urinary incontinence (SUI) from the continent ones. In the prospective randomized study, 372 women, divided in five analytic and two control groups, were examined using the abdominal ultrasonic convex 4 MHz probe for lateral scanning of their anterior vaginal wall. Of all the patients, 144 women were continent, and 228 had a previously proved SUI. By measuring the angle between the horizontal line and upper part of the anterior vaginal wall on the spontaneously filled bladder and during strain (Valsalva's maneuver), an angle, the so-called angle of continence (beta-V angle), was found to be 32 degree. The results did not depend on the volume of the urine. The sensitivity (SE) of this method of ultrasonic diagnostic of SUI is 0.93, specificity (SP) is 0.92, the predictive values of negative results are 0.90, and positive 0.95, respictively. The beta-V angle should be considered as an simple and accurate test for the first level diagnostic work-up in women with SUI.