Author/Editor     Leskošek, V
Title     Kontrola in pomoč v socialnem delu
Translated title     Control and help in social work
Type     članek
Source     Soc Delo
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 83-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The author deals with the sensitive topic of the conflict between the roles of control and counseling in social work. To explain the conflict, she applies the concepts of deviance, welfare and social control. Due to the concept of welfare state and the welfare concept of deviance, classical institutions are more in the role of controlling than of offering help. Since main social functions have been taken over by the state, the information on the people's intersts and needs is spreading among the institutions rather than coming from the people themselves. The institutions deal with the information on the devation from the "normal" rather than on the actual needs. Consequently, the response of the institutions is mainly directed towards the corretion of individuals and not towards a suitable social action that would satisfy the actual interests and needs of individuals and the community.
Descriptors     SOCIAL WORK