Author/Editor     Rudel, D; Premik, M; Hojnik-Zupanc, I
Title     Caring network based on community social alarm centers in Slovenia: a country in transition
Type     članek
Source     In: Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ, editors. Medinfo'95. Proceedings of the 8th world congress on medical informatics; 1995 Jul 23-27; Vancouver. Part 2. Edmonton: International medical informatics association,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 1503-5
Language     eng
Abstract     Elderly, disabled, and sick people should be assisted to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible,-this is a generally accepted philosophy of modern societies. A caring network based on community social alarms can significantly improve home-based care coordination, its efficiency, and quality. According to long-term experiences in some developed European countries, this has multifold positive influences on the society. Promising results have encouraged the implementation of such a system in Slovenia-a young mid-European country in transition, where restrictive governmental economic policy also influences social and medical standards that were agreed to under the former socialistic government. In Ljubljana-the capital of Slovenia with 250,000 inhabitants-the first community social alarm center was established in 1992. Based on two years of experience, a national plan for several regional centers, covering the whole country, was prepared. The government should provide a telecommunication infrastructure, but the local authorities and formal service providers should establish local conditions for its implementation. The project has been seeking to obtain its legitimacy as a governmental project.
Descriptors     HOME CARE SERVICES