Author/Editor     Otorepec, P; Petrovič, A
Title     Minimalne zahteve glede vodopreskrbe v naseljih črnih gradenj
Translated title     The minimal demands regarding water supply in settlements of illegal building
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 154-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The building of dwellings on communally unsettled areas is frequent. Hygienic discipline must not allow any compromises and tolerate such solutions that are based on the emergency principles. Water supply must always provide such qualitative water which is in accordance with the standards for potable water at any time for all the consumers on each location of the settlement water supply. This can be achieved only by a system with a responsible manager. Other solutions are treated only as an improvizations. The result of water consumption is sewage which. Hygienically most adequate way is a controlled sewage disposal via sewage system into the purifying plant; conditionally acceptable are cess-pits, while all the other possibilities represent improvizations in cases of emergency. Therefore the only answer to the problem of basic furnishing is: from the hygienic aspect it is necessary to obtain a connection to the public water supply and sewage system. Because of mutal connectedness of problematics, the link-up of both services is reasonable. Individual solutions do not ensure the safety either to direct consumers to others. The discipline of hygiene should keep off from the imposed short-term solutions.
Descriptors     HOUSING