Author/Editor     Bolčina, K; Kofol-Bric, T; Komadina, D; Golmajer, J
Title     Projekt Ljubljana - zdravo mesto
Translated title     Ljubljana - healthy city project
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 203-6
Language     slo
Abstract     On Novembre 16th 1989, the City Assembly of Ljubljana adopted a resolution declaring its wish to participate in the WHO Healthy City Project. In its first phase, the project "Ljubljana - healthy City" united, connected and coordinated the already existent efforts aimed at health promotion and improving the quality of health. In the year 1993, the link to WHO Healthy City Project Office was built and we prepared all the background materials for the establishment of Slovenian network of Healthy Cities. Ljubljana - healthy City project enters the second phase armed with promising plans and important new findings: no project can be successful without full political commitment; working areas are wide, but programmes must be well designed and well managed; the project coordinator should be a succesful manager equipped with a lot of special knowledge; project's main principle must be "With the help of residents for a residents' friendly and healthy Ljubljana".
Descriptors     URBAN HEALTH