Author/Editor     Šimunić, M
Title     Preventiva, zdravje in kakovost življenja družin alkoholikov in družin zdravljenih alkoholikov
Translated title     Prevention, health and the quality of life in the families of alcoholics and the families of treated alcoholics
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 238-42
Language     slo
Abstract     The aims of the research that took place in the region of Ormož and included 131 families of alcoholics and 78 families of treated alcoholics were to establish: the frequency of chronic non-contagious diseases (CND) and injuries, the absenteeism, the differences of the quality of life between the two groups. In the group of alcoholics there were 876 cases of CND and injuries or 6,9 per person. In the group of treated alcoholics there were 217 cases or 2,8 (Hi-square = 210,67;p(0,01) = 6,64). The T-test showed a statistically significant difference between the first, repeated and specialistic examinations. The alcoholics were absent from work 6.223 days or on average 47,5 days, the treated alcoholics were absent from work 1.038, days or on average 13,3 days (t = 5,2) p (0,01) = 2,6). There were also statistically significant differences in twelve parameters concerning the quality of life between the two groups. A modern approach in the discussion of the quality of life is presented.
Descriptors     ALCOHOLISM