Author/Editor     Vuga, V
Title     Preventivni zdravstveni pregledi športnikov
Translated title     Preventive medical check-ups for sportsmen
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 271-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Starting points. The ever increasing stress and demands to which sportsmen are exposed during training and competions dictate a need for regular preventive monitoring of their state of health. The extent and the subject of examinations will be determined by the specificity of the sports discipline and the quality of the sportsman. Conclusion. Preventive medical ckeck-ups of sportsmen will be performed by authorised physicans according to the Regulations on the Methods and Procedures for the performance of preventive medical check-ups for Sportsmen. Authorised physicians will acquairel their licences regard to their qualification and participation in professional training in sports medicine.
Descriptors     SPORTS