Author/Editor     Krek, Milan; Mišigoj-Krek, Jelka; Nolimal, Dušan
Title     Politika zmanjševanja škode zaradi uživanja drog
Translated title     Harm reduction caused by drug consumption
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 274-7
Language     slo
Abstract     There is a radical change in the relation to the illicit drug consumption and to the illicit drug users in European space. New relation which is distinctively preventive is aimed at a lesser and safer drug consumption. A new relation towards drug addicts in the sense of harm reduction caused by drug consumption is developing. Illicit drug addicts should via low-threshold programmes get the help against the harm which could be caused by drug consumption. This philosophy is hard to accept if the approach to the problem is purely moralistic. In Slovenia, too, a more pragmatic approach to this problem will be necessary and the organization of low-threshold programmes should be made possible. An adequate adaptation of Slovenian legislation is necessary and enough experts for guiding of these programmes should be trained.
Descriptors     SUBSTANCE ABUSE