Author/Editor     Bakašun, V; Suzanić-Karninčić, J
Title     Incidenti dijarealnih bolesti u javnim objektima na području subregije Rijeka
Translated title     Incidents of diarrheal disease in public institutions on the domain of Rijeka (R Croatia) subregion
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 312-3
Language     slo
Abstract     The analysis of the occurence of acute diarrheal syndroma (ADS) epidemics in public institutions on the domain of Rijeka (R Croatia) subregion for ten year period 1984-1984 has been performed. All together 112 epidemics with 4.526 diseased a total of 98 epidemics (on average 14 yearly) was registered. During the war period (1991-1993) when refugees and displaced persons were lodged in great numbers into turistic buildngs, 14 epidemics were registered (on average 4,7 yearly). Authors are of the opinion that the decreased number of registered ADS during war period was due to the intensified medical control on the premises, the preparation of more simple food, its immediate consumption and the prohibiton of preserving the remaining food.
Descriptors     DIARRHEA