Author/Editor     Marinič-Fišer, N; Hočevar-Grom, A; Kraigher, A; Lunder, M; Simčič, V
Title     Mikrosporija - javnozdravstveni problem
Translated title     Microsporia - public health problem
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 321-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Microsporia is caused by dermatophyte Microsporum canis. It is known globally, especially in urban areas. In 1966 the first two cases of microsporia were diagnosed in R Slovenia where it remained sporadic up to the year 1977 when it began to spread. In the last ten years the number of diseased with microsporia in our country has been incessantly increasing, so that each year a few hundred cases are registered. The disease is transmitted mostly by cats, but transmission via infected dogs resp. by close contact with a diseased person is also possible. Turistic traffic is also important for the spreading of the disease, as it is supposed to be transmitted in our country via neighbouring countries, especially from Italy, where Microsporum canis comprises up to 70 percent of all the isoated dermatophytes. Epidemiologically important factor for spreading of the disease is the occurence of microsporia in animals in a subclinical form, which renders difficult a timely diagnosis and treatment of animals; important is also the fact that young and enfeebled stray cats, which are difficult to control, are the most susceptible for the infection. Microsporia is most common in children. Women contract the illness in a much higher number. Because of long-term treatment, long absency from work resp. school, risk for the health of people and considerable expences for diagnostics and treatment, microsporia presents a medical, epidemiological and economic problem. For the coping of spreading and prevention of the disease it is urgent to link up and coordinate the veterinary and health activities, both of specialists dermatologists and specialists epidemiologists. With interdisciplinary approach of all the three disciplines, a research is now in progress in R Slovenia, which will try to elaborate the model for a better coping and more successful prevention of microsporia spreading in animals, and with this for a reduced risk of this disease in population.
Descriptors     DERMATOMYCOSES