Avtor/Urednik     Tušek-Bunc, Ksenija; Petek, Davorina
Naslov     Management of patients with coronary heart disease in family medicine
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. str.
ISSN     1464-3677 - International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care / ISQua
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Objectives: Family medicine plays an important role in quality of care (QoC) of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients. This study's aim was to determine the quality of secondary cardiovascular disease prevention in the everyday practice of family physicians. Design: This study was observational cross-sectional. Setting: About 36 randomly selected family medicine practices stratified by size and location in Slovenia. Participants: CHD patients randomly selected from a patient register available in family medicine practices. Main Outcome Measure(s): The instrument for assessment of quality included a form for collecting data from medical records, a general practice assessment questionnaire and a patient questionnaire. QoC was defined by two composite variables, namely risk factor registration and CHD patient process of care, as the two care outcomes. In multivariate analysis, we performed multilevel regression analysis to identify the associations between QoC, the patient and the practice characteristics. Results: The final sample included 423 CHD patients from 36 family medicine practices. Risk factor registration was associated with the practice organisation score (P = 0.004), practice size (P = 0.042), presence of comorbid atherosclerotic diseases (P = 0.043) and a lower age of CHD patients (P = 0.001). CHD patient process of care was associated with the practice organisation score (0.045) and a lower age of CHD patients (P = 0.035). Conclusions: The most important factors affecting the quality of CHD patient care were linked to the organisational characteristics of the family medicine practices.
Proste vsebinske oznake     cardiovascular diseases
disease categories
quality improvement
kardiovaskularne bolezni
kategorije bolezni
izboljšanje kakovosti