Author/Editor     Vidmar, J
Title     Regeneracija organizma - problem športnika, stroke ali še koga?
Translated title     The regeneration of the athlete - the matter of the athlete, the science or someone else
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 28-30
Language     slo
Abstract     On a sample of 120 competitive athletes the author, with the help of the questionnaire, finds the athletes and the profession's attitude toward the problem of regeneration of the organism of the athlete. He analyses the "knowledge" of the athletes on the importance of regeneration, procedures and means for regeneration and their actual use during the training and competition. He finds positive attitude of the athletes toward the problem of regeneration, barely sufficient knowledge on the significance of regeneration and inadequate possibilities for the use of the regenerative procedures. The study shows a need for greater engagement of the professionals (coaches, doctors and psychologists) in educating the athletes in connection with regeneration and all those that can to any extent optimize the execution of the training process, including the process of regeneration.
Descriptors     SPORTS MEDICINE