Avtor/Urednik     Retamozo, Soledad; Acar-Denizli, Nihan; Fai Ng, W.; Zeher, Margit; Rasmussen, Astrid; Seror, Raphaèle; Li, Xin; Baldini, Chiara; Gottenberg, Jacques-Eric; Praprotnik, Sonja
Naslov     Influence of epidemiology and ethnicity on systemic expression of primary sjÖgren syndrome in 9974 patients
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 77, št. suppl. 2
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. 110
ISSN     1468-2060 - Annals of the rheumatic diseases
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     Sjögren syndrome
Big Data Sjögren Database
influence of epidemiology and ethnicity
Sjögrenov sindrom
podatkovna baza Big Data Sjögren
vpliv epidemiologije in etnične pripadnosti