Author/Editor     Rotman, Eva; Križmarić, Miljenko
Title     Dinamika cerebralne oksigenacije pri hiperventilaciji in hipoventilaciji
Translated title     The dynamics of cerebral oxygenation during hyperventilation and hypoventilation
Type     članek
Source     In: Za človeka gre : izzivi za znanost in izobraževanje : zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo : 6. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo : challenges for science and education : proceedings book with review : 6th scientific conference with international participation, Maribor, 9.-10. 3. 2018 Maribor : Alma Mater Press
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 804-809
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Možgani za svoje delovanje potrebujejo stalen dotok krvi, ki se med hiperventilacijo in hipoventilacijo spreminja. Namen študije je bil ugotoviti, ali lahko v teh dveh primerih zaznamo spremembe nasičenosti kisika v možganih (rSO2). Metode: Kvantitativno raziskavo smo izvedli na štirih zdravih prostovoljcih, pri katerih smo med kratkotrajno hiperventilacijo in hipoventilacijo spremljali rSO2 v možganih s spektroskopijo v bližnjem infrardečem polju (NIRS INVOS). Monitorirali smo tudi ostale fiziološke spremenljivke: dihanje, pulz, delni tlak ogljikovega dioksida (PETCO2) in nasičenost hemoglobina s kisikom v arterijski krvi (SpO2). Rezultati: Med hiperventilacijo ugotavljamo največji padec povprečne rSO2 za 3 % (s 57 % 1 % na 54 % 2 %), pri tem zasledimo padec delnega tlaka PETCO2 z 31 % 2 mmHg na 21 % 3 mmHg. Povprečna nasičenost hemoglobina s kisikom v periferni arterijski krvi je znašala 98 % in se je pri vseh preiskovancih dvignila za 1 do 2 %. Frekvenca srca se med hiperventilacijo poveča, med počitkom pa se ponovno zmanjša. Razlike v nasičenosti s kisikom med levo in desno možgansko hemisfero so bile od 2 % do maksimalnih 7 %. Razprava in zaključek: Zaradi mehanizma hipokapnije se ožilje v možganih skrči in zmanjša se dostava kisika. Pojav zmanjšanja rSO2 smo uspeli dokazati pri treh od štirih preiskovancih.Introduction: Our brain requires constant supply of blood for its functioning, which changes during hyperventilation and hypoventilation. The purpose of this research was to determine whether changes in oxygen saturation in the brain (rSO2) can be detected in these cases. Methods: A quantitative research was performed on four healthy volunteers. During short-term hyperventilation and hypoventilation, we monitored rSO2 in the brain with the use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS INVOS). We also monitored other physiological variables: respiratory rate, pulse, partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) and saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen in arterial blood (SpO2). Results: The greatest decrease in mean rSO2 during hyperventilation was found to be 3 percent (from 57 % 1 % to 54 % 2 %), with a drop in the partial pressure of PETCO2 from 31 % 2 mmHg to 21 % 3 mmHg. The mean saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen in peripheral arterial blood was 98 %, which increased by 1 % to 2 % in all participants. The participants% pulse increased during hyperventilation and again decreased during rest. Differences in oxygen saturation between the left and the right brain hemisphere were from 2 % to a maximum of 7 %. Discussion and conclusions: The purpose of these study was to examine the mechanisms by which hypercapnia produces vasodilatation in brain. We managed to prove the occurrence of reduction of rSO2 in three of four participants.
Keywords     možganska prekrvavitev
spektroskopija v bližnjem infrardečem polju
cerebral blood flow
near-infrared spectroscopy