Avtor/Urednik     Martin-Guerrero, Idoia; Bilbao-Aldaiturriaga, Nerea; Gutierrez-Camino, Angela; Santos-Zorrozua, Borja; Dolžan, Vita; Patiño-Garcia, Ana; Garcia-Orad, Africa
Naslov     Variants in the 14q32 miRNA cluster are associated with osteosarcoma risk in the Spanish population
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 8, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. 1-8
ISSN     2045-2322 - Scientific reports
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Association studies in osteosarcoma risk found significant results in intergenic regions, suggesting that regions which do not codify for proteins could play an important role. The deregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been already associated with osteosarcoma. Consequently, genetic variants affecting miRNA function could be associated with risk. This study aimed to evaluate the involvement of all genetic variants in pre-miRNAs described so far in relationship to the risk of osteosarcoma. We analyzed a total of 213 genetic variants in 206 pre-miRNAs in two cohorts of osteosarcoma patients (n = 100) and their corresponding controls (n = 256) from Spanish and Slovenian populations, using Goldengate Veracode technology (Illumina). Four polymorphisms in pre-miRNAs at 14q32 miRNA cluster were associated with osteosarcoma risk in the Spanish population (rs12894467, rs61992671, rs58834075 and rs12879262). Pathway enrichment analysis including target genes of these miRNAs pointed out the WNT signaling pathways overrepresented. Moreover, different single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects between the two populations included were observed, suggesting the existence of population differences. In conclusion, 14q32 miRNA cluster seems to be a hotspot for osteosarcoma susceptibility in the Spanish population, but not in the Slovenian, which supports the idea of the existence of population differences in developing this disease.
Proste vsebinske oznake     osteosarcoma
genetic variants
genske variante