Avtor/Urednik     Jelenc, Nika; Bitenc, Črtomir; Marot, Valerija
Naslov     Težave na področju govorno-jezikovne komunikacije pri šolskih otrocih ter uporaba spletnih in mobilnih orodij
Prevedeni naslov     Difficulties in the field of speech, language and communication in school children and the use of online and mobile tools
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 17, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. 36-44
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Izhodišče: Govor, jezik in komunikacija (GJK) imajo pomembno vlogo pri usvajanju akademskih veščin. V okviru Erasmus+ projekta Speech and Language Pathology Interactive Tools for Teachers at Initial Education (št. pogodbe 2017-1-BG01-Ka201-036295) smo v šolskem letu 2017/2018 opravili raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko otrok ima po mnenju učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev GJK težave, na katerih področjih so le-te največje ter kolikšna je uporaba ter interes učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev za spletna in mobilna orodja, ki omogočajo prepoznavo težav v GJK in podpirajo razvoj GJK veščin pri otrocih. Metode: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 18 svetovalnih in 45 vzgojno-izobraževalnih delavcev različnih osnovnih šol po Sloveniji, ki so v februarju 2018 odgovorili na vprašanja spletnega vprašalnika na spletni platformi SurveyMonkey. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da po mnenju učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev pri otrocih, starih od 6 do 12 let, prevladujejo težave z govorno-jezikovnim razumevanjem, ki so izražene pri dobri petini otrok, ki jih poučujejo učitelji oz. pri slabi polovici otrok, ki jih imajo v obravnavi svetovalni delavci. Udeleženci so v večini prepričani, da se število otrok z GJK težavami povečuje. Uporaba spletnih in mobilnih orodij za prepoznavanje GJK težav in razvijanje GJK veščin pri otrocih je med učitelji in svetovalnimi delavci redka, predvsem zaradi nepoznavanja le-teh. Interes in pričakovanja za razvoj tovrstnih mobilnih orodij pa so po drugi strani velika. Zaključek: Glede na zaznavanje naraščajočega trenda težav otrok v GJK s strani učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev raziskava potrjuje pomembnost razvoja mobilnih orodij, predvsem za področje razvijanja GJK veščin pri otrocih.Background: Speech, language and communication (SLC) play an essential role in acquiring academic skills. In the framework of the Erasmus+ project Speech and Language Pathology Interactive Tools for Teachers at Initial Education (No. of contract 2017-1-BG01-Ka201-036295), we conducted a survey in the academic year 2017/2018. Our goal was to determine how many children, from the standpoint of school teachers and guidance counsellors, have difficulties with SLC, in which areas are the difficulties most frequent, and the extent of teachers' and counsellors' interest for the use of online and mobile tools that enable identification of SLC difficulties and support development of children's SLC skills. Methods: Eighteen counselling and 45 educational workers from various elementary schools across Slovenia participated in the study, who answered questions of an online questionnaire on the SurveyMonkey platform during February 2018. Results: In the opinion of teachers and counsellors in children aged 6 to 12, difficulties with language understanding prevail, which are expressed in about one fifth of the children taught by teachers and about one half of the children who are being consulted by counsellors. The participants are generally confident that the number of children with SLC difficulties is increasing. The use of online and mobile tools to identify SLC difficulties and develop SLC skills among children by teachers and counsellors is rare, mainly because of their unfamiliarity. Interest and expectations for the development of such mobile tools, on the other hand, are high. Conclusion: According to the teachers' and counsellors' perception of the increasing trend of children's SLC difficulties, the research confirms the importance of the development of mobile tools, especially tools for developing SLC skills in children.
Deskriptorji     Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders
Proste vsebinske oznake     speech disorders
mobile and online tools
motnje govora
mobilna in spletna orodja