Avtor/Urednik     Marcus, Ulrich; Schink, Susanne Barbara; Sherriff, Nigel Stuart; Nöstlinger, Christiana; Klavs, Irena; Dias, Sonia F.; Gama, Ana F.; Toskin, Igor; Alexiev, Ivailo; Naseva, Emilia; Kustec, Tanja; Adamič, Claudia; Poljak, Mario; Krošelj, Robert; Mlakar, Jana
Naslov     HIV serostatus knowledge and serostatus disclosure with the most recent anal intercourse partner in a European MSM sample recruited in 13 cities
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     , št. Vol. 17
Leto izdaje     2017
Obseg     str. 1-17
ISSN     1471-2334 - BMC infectious diseases
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     HIV
men having sex with men
moški, ki imajo spolne odnose z moškimi