Author/Editor     Csépe, Zoltán; Leelossy, A.; Manyoki, G.; Kajtor-Apatini, D.; Udvardy, O.; Peter, B.; Paldy, A.; Gelybo, G.; Szigeti, T.; Kofol-Seliger, Andreja
Title     The application of neural network-based ragweed pollen forecast by the ragweed pollen alarm system in the Pannonian biogeographical region
Type     članek
Source     In: Advances in aerobiology for the preservation of human and environmental health : a multidisciplinary approach : [programme & abstract book] Parma : [s. n.]
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 47
Language     eng
Keywords     ragweed
alarm system
cvetni prah
alarmni sistem