Author/Editor | Drobnič-Košorok, M; Dobeic, M | |
Title | Merjenje neugodnih vonjav iz živinorejske proizvodnje | |
Translated title | Mesurement of odours from livestock production | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 32, št. 2 | |
Publication year | 1995 | |
Volume | str. 173-84 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Odours from livestock farms, slurry storage and land spreading are a major cause of complaints of the public. Until recently the odours from farming have not been analyzed quantitatively, since there was no government regulation about farm waste management. Attention was paid only to the prevention of earth pollution because of too large quantities of organic substances. However, there was no adequate method available to determine the emission of unpleasant odours. Today both olfactometry as well as chemical analysis by GC-MS system are essential in the quantification of odour emission. These reliable analytical methods which have been introduced by countries aware of ecological problems of farming made the evaluation of air odour pullution practicable (6, 7, 8). It became possible to establish and determine the xtent of pollution by comparing the results obtained at a certain distance from the emitting source with the standard value. On the basis of these analytical data the reduction of odour intensity and offensiveness can be requested. nevettheless olfactometry is not usable in every case. The dispersion modelling method is used for anticipating farm locations (6, 7, 8). Today odour reduction can be achieved not only by the reducing certain odours substances in the air, but also by changing their ratio in the air although their absolute concentrations remaine unchanged. Different additives (deodorases) may be added to animal food, manure or slurry (13), the water ratio may be increased or the content of proteins may reduced with substitutional addition of synthetic amin oacids. The adding of some speciels of fungi for humus production and olygolisis may be used for trating manure (31). Different ventilation technologies in livestock buildings or a change of the direction of odour stream away from inhabited areas are alternative methods for the reduction of odour emission.(trunc.) | |