Avtor/Urednik     Zorc-Pleskovič, R
Naslov     Limfociti in tkivni bazofilci v črevesju psa po obsevanju
Prevedeni naslov     Lymphocytes and mast cells in dog's colon after irradiation
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. in št.     Letnik 32, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 207-16
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The purpose of this investigation was to study some histological and stereological factors involved as well as prevention of intestinal fibrosis occuring after irradiation. Twenty beagle dogs were used as experimental model. Ten dogs were irradiated 20 days with 32 Gy into the whole pelvis and tail. Another 10 dogs represented the control group. Ten days after irradiation having been finished, a 1 cm wide piece of colon transversum was excised cut in 5 um step serial sections, stained and prepared for histological and stereological analysis. The stereological analysis of irradiated animals showed significantly diminished volume density (P less th. 0,0001), numerical density (P less th. 0,05), average volume (P less th. 0,0001) of mast cells in irradiated control group. The volume density (P less th. 0,0001), average volume (P less th. 0,0001) of mast cells in irradiated group were significantly increased, but the numerical density (P less th. 0,005), surface density (P less th. 0,0001), average surface (P less th. 0,0001) of mast cells were dimished in comparison with the control group. The results showed the possibitliy that hese cells are involed in the fibrosation of intestinal tissue after irradiation.
Deskriptorji     INTESTINE, LARGE