Author/Editor     Mirt, D
Title     Rane na bokih pri prašičih
Translated title     Wounds and injuries on flanks in pigs
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 115-9
Language     slo
Abstract     From December 1990 to February 1991 a phenomenon of wounds and injuries on the flanks (their origin and frequency) in 5017 younger weaned-pigs, 5 to 8 weeks of age, and in 4213 older weaned-pigs, 9 to 12 weeks of age, has been studied. The frequency of wounds and injuries seen in older weaned-pigs has been 1,8%. Wounds and injuries have been very often located on the lower rib cage and on the flank and most of them have been the size of a tolar coin (approx. 2 cm in diameter). No wounds and injuries have been noticed in younger weanved-pigs at all. Neither flank biting nor rubbing in either of the groups during filling the feeders or during resting time have been observed.
Descriptors     ANIMAL DISEASES