Avtor/Urednik     Kovačev, AN
Naslov     Identiteta kot integracija temeljnih določil človekovega bistva
Prevedeni naslov     Identity as the integration of the basic determinats of human essence
Tip     članek
Vir     Anthropos
Vol. in št.     Letnik 27, št. 3-4
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 117-33
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Identity belongs to the basic concepts of the contemporary social sciences. Man has namely always asked himself questions about his own essence, i.e. about that, which enables him to remain the same person in spite of his numerous changes. The appearance of such questions is enabled by his capability for self-reflection. The concept of identity is composed of cognitive, affective and conative component. Because of its complexity and the problem of its operationalization, different theorists define it differently. The most important definitional categories are: identity as self-concept, identity as complex of ascribed qualities, and identity as social systems' characteristic. Psychologists concentrate on the individual identity research, which is closely connected with the studying of the I and self. Individuality has namely become a norm in western culture. Still,, the interest for self-reflection in former historical eras was not always so strong. In the 20th century the endeavours for the achievement of self-knowledge have strengthened very much. Still, they are accompanied by some theoretical and methodological problems, i.e. the problem of identity's reality, continuity and individuality.