Author/Editor     Kovačev, AN
Title     Neverbalna komunikacija in glavne smernice njenega proučevanja
Translated title     Nonverbal communication and the main directions of its studying
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 27, št. 1-2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 5-25
Language     slo
Abstract     Nonverbal communication has begun to be studied already very early. Still, the term is relatively new. Its scientific research is based on the discoveries of cybernetics and information theory. Their exactness namely contributes to the systemization of its manifest forms. The most exhaustive and extensive classification of different forms of nonverbal communication has been elaborated by Ekman and Friesen. Different forms of nonverbal behaviour have been categorized according to three criteria: origin, usage, and coding, and on their basis five categories were formed: emblems, illustrators, regulators, affect displays, and adaptors. In spite of several attempts to operationalize and systematize the nonverbal acts there are still a lot of methodological problems on the nonverbal communication field. The most difficoult is the determination of the relationship between the verbal and nonverbal communication and their relative part in the process of social interaction. This one namely varies under the influence of many intentional and accidental factors. The problem of the superiority of either sort of signs is acconpamied by the problem of their informative value and of the interferences among different channels of communication, their specialization, and the predominance of one of them.