Author/Editor     Midtb, Lykke; Georgiadis, Stylianos; Lindström, Ulf; Gitte Loft, Anne; Ciurea, Adrian; Mann, Herman; Akkoç, Nurullah; Iannone, Florenzo; Tomšič, Matija; Rotar, Žiga
Title     Predicting ASDAS inactive disease after 6 months of TNFi treatment in bio- naive axial spondyloarthritis patients treated in clinical practice - results from the EuroSpA Collaboration
Type     članekrnbjerg
Source     In: Meeting abstracts Chicago : American College of Rheumatology
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. iss S10
Publication year     2019
Language     eng
Keywords     axial spondyloarthritis
clinical practice
aksialni spondiloartritis
klinična praksa