Author/Editor     Midtb, Lykke; Heegaard Brahe, Cecilie; Gitte Loft, Anne; Askling, Johan; Ciurea, Adrian; Mann, Herman; Akar, Servet; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Rotar, Žiga; Tomšič, Matija
Title     Does retention and remission rates to 2nd and 3rd TNF inhibitors in patients with axial spondyloarthritis depend on the reason from withdrawal to the previous treatment? - Real world data from 12 European countries in the EuroSpA Research Collaboration
Type     članekrnbjerg
Source     In: Meeting abstracts Chicago : American College of Rheumatology
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. iss S10
Publication year     2019
Language     eng
Keywords     axial spondyloarthritis
TNF inhibitors
research results
aksialni spondiloartritis
zaviralci TNF
rezultati raziskav