Author/Editor     Sever, Urška; Kotnik, Primož
Title     Novejše možnosti zdravljenja debelosti
Translated title     Novel possibilities for the treatment of obesity
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 2
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 82-89
ISSN     1318-4423 - Slovenska pediatrija [Združenje pediatrov Slovenije]
Language     slv
Abstract     A healthy diet, regular and appropriate physical activity and behavioural therapy are the cornerstones of obesity management. These measures are, however, relatively ineffective, as are medications affecting the appetite, digestion or metabolism. In addition, medications have unacceptable side effects, hence they are not regularly used in children and adolescents. Surgical and non-surgical bariatric procedures are an effec-tive option for the treatment of marked obesity in adolescents when growth and pubertal development are completed. A coordinated multidisciplinary team, which includes a paediatrician, surgeon, psychologist, nutritionist, kinesiologist and a healthcare team, is essential in the contemporary management of obesity.
Keywords     debelost
bariatrični poseg